Rocky Mountain Region 8 of Sweet Adelines International is an eight-state region of women singers dedicated to advancing the art form of a cappella barbershop harmony through education, performances and friendship. We have Chapters in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Utah.
*Updates to the Region 8 website for Quartet and Chorus personnel occur monthly using Sweet Adelines International reports.
Get ready to ring chords in Columbus! |
VOICEBOX STUDIO register now
Canva is a powerful (and free!) tool you can use to create professional-looking flyers, graphics, logos and more! Many SAI choruses use Canva for marketing.
Join Lindsay for Canva basics and a step-by-step social media flyer demonstration.
March 9, 6 pm
Next VoiceBox Studio is April 6, 6 pm
"Banish the Contest Monster Under Your Bed" with Julie Palagi
Registration coming soon.